ACC/Bunch Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ACC/Bunch web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ...
Note: All CLASSE VMS systems were shut down on January 17, 2017. The information below is obsolete. From "Readme" file in USER$DISK: CESR.PALMER.TS101.BPM by E....
Note: All CLASSE VMS systems were shut down on January 17, 2017. The information below is obsolete. From "Readme" file in USER$DISK: CESR.PALMER.TS101.BSM by E....
. Top Level Functions Function Name AcquireAndShowXFERData Acquire data from $CESR_OFFLINE\instr\anal\cbpmII\diag\XFER_BPM_Matlab_Data, and plot it. ...
How To Setup Coldfire 1. Place the Coldfire board into DIMM slot on the I/O Board. 2. Plug the XBUS/MOXA cable, Ethernet, and Power all into the I/O Bo...
... CBIC Function tree (incomplete), might have useful info for understanding this page: ... CBIC Start Cy...
... Take Pedestals. Save and install them. Load T1B1 Positrons (14nS LDINIT), Fill to 0.75 mA, turn Separators OFF Time in 14ns_FIX_G (Block A), Save Timing...
Ensure there is no beam in CESR On first the West, then the East: 1 ACQUIRE PEDESTAL(19) 1 SAVE PEDESTAL PARAMETERS(10) 1 INSTALL UPDATED PARAMETERS(23) ...
Once David Rubin provides a gain calibration file to update BPM gains, use the ln command to create a symbolic linkfirst use the mv command like this:mv gain_cal_... Diagnostic output from running cbic with the " h" flag: TimeScanDiagnosticsDocOutput.txt Time_Scan_Erro...
********************************************** This mirrors all block A timing values into timing block B for efficiency in acqiring calibration data. The und...
Sequence type encountered with 4 steps. *********************************************************** Install Turn By Turn Bunch = Multibunch Turn By Turn Data A...
Prep() function status = 0 Copying and transferring structure set... Post function loop... INFO 07/28/14 16:28:28 : = Test Life Command Status Summary = I...
Timing setup is presently: 5 14ns_FIX_G ******************************************************* This shifts the waveform sample point on BLOCK A and B for a...
Prep() function status = 0 Copying and transferring structure set... Initializing command... Executing command... Waiting for handshake completion... CMD_D...
Timing setup is presently: 5 14ns_FIX_G ******************************************** This mirrors all block A timing values into timing block B for efficien...
Enter timing block to scrub block A = 0, block B = 1 : Prep() function status = 0 Copying and transferring structure set... Post function loop... TIMING setu...
Would you like to apply the gain mapping corrections from the file ./ to existing parameters for all instruments COMMON to the master paramet...
Would you like to replace all gain tables in the existing set of parameters with those that appear in the file ./ and save the result to a...
Sequence type encountered with 8 steps. Select the desired timing conditions: 1 = Positrons, 4nSec, timing block A Variable Gain 2 = Positrons, 4nSec, tim...
Sequence type encountered with 6 steps. Would you like to cycle power for ALL active instruments? (y/n): n : y Turning off power to all active instruments... Wai...
Sequence type encountered with 5 steps. Skipping communication connect! Copying and transferring structure set... Post function loop... INFO 07/28/14 15:26:...
Would you like to begin the flash programming process for ALL active instruments? (y/n): n : y Prep() function status = 0 Copying and transferring structure set...
Copying and transferring structure set... Post function loop... Closing all open sockets to instruments. Resetting the Coldfire/CBInet server via XBUS for instru...
Would you like install the changes present in file: /nfs/cesr/online/instr/CBPM/config/09/instrument_parameters.009780 into the master operational parameters f...
Copying and transferring structure set... Post function loop... Instrument heartbeat: OK! Timing integrity : GOOD Turns seen: 39013 INFO 07/28/14 15...
Copying and transferring structure set... Post function loop... INFO 07/28/14 15:18:53 : = DUMP RAW DATA Command Status Summary = Instrument Location ...
INFO cbi_cesr_interface: CBPM CONTROL INTERFACE ACTIVE INFO 07/28/14 15:13:38 cbi_cesr_interface: exits server mode ^C INFO cbi_cesr_interface: Exiti...
Copying and transferring structure set... Initializing command... Executing command... Waiting for handshake completion... CMD_DONE (3) Post function loop....
Copying and transferring structure set... Initializing command... Executing command... Waiting for handshake completion... CMD_DONE (3) Post function loop...
********* SET GAIN ************* All channels will be set to the same gain. Enter a gain setting index between 1 and 10 inclusive 4 : Prep() function status =...