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Computing at CLASSE -- Frequently Asked Questions

Results from Computing web retrieved at 13:45 (Local)

Linux in general Getting started For a written introduction to Linux, here are some online resources that you might find useful: *
r24 - 19 Mar 2024 - 12:45 by MarlinGuest
FAQ: Why do my ssh sessions die if left idle for several minutes? ANSWER: Nothing on the CLASSE network should have a timeout that short, so our first guess at a...
r3 - 12 Apr 2022 - 17:10 by admindo-dab66
UNIX Login Scripts Login scripts are used to set your environment when logging in or opening a terminal on a unix or linux machine. For information specific to CE...
r12 - 06 May 2019 - 11:14 by admindo-dab66
FAQ: How do I get started using the Replicon Timesheet? See answer below or click here for pdf version ANSWER: Supported Browsers Replicon at CLASSE works with...
FAQ: I would like to put information online. Where should it go, and how can I get started? ANSWER: We have several different types of web pages here at CLASSE:...
FAQ: Mozilla is taking up most of the space in my home directory! How can I fix this? or I am unable to login to linux computers in the lab. When I try to login...
FAQ: Could you tell me of a good computer to use? ANSWER: Your supervisor or project lead are the best source of information about the resources available. Most...
FAQ: Why can't I print from my laptop (or an experimental subnet) using IPP? ANSWER: lns61 is not running an IPP server, and we will not enable it on each indiv...
FAQ: How do I enable Symantec Intrusion Prevention Web page malware tests ANSWER: The version of Symantec Anti Virus software provided by the University includes...
NEW - 14 Aug 2012 - 10:51 by seb
FAQ: When I try to ssh into xxx system, the following message appears. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENT...
FAQ Can I use Exceed from my home Windows computer to run X sessions on LEPP machines? Answer Because the license for Exceed is very expensive, we encourage the ...
r11 - 16 Feb 2012 - 11:20 by seb
FAQ: Why does my gnome login hang after I type my password? ANSWER: Are you able to login to a different desktop environment, like kde? Usually that kind of a pr...
FAQ: My laptop appears to have a variable and frequently unreliable signal in __ room. Answer: Please submit a request to service lepp #64;, asking f...
FAQ: We would like to understand our options for obtaining network accessible disk space. We heard that there is a way to buy some disk spaces maintained by compu...
FAQ: How do I use my USB Flash drive in Linux? ANSWER: Scientific Linux 4, our currently prefferred distribution, handles plug play devices much better than olde...
FAQ: Can I borrow a laptop while attending a conference? ANSWER: Your supervisor must endorse any hardware requests, including requests for temporary use laptops...
FAQ: How do I print PDF Documents? ANSWER: The PDF document format has become more and more popular but has some features that often play havoc with our postscri...
r5 - 09 Nov 2006 - 11:49 by CurtisJastremsky
FAQ: How can I completely remove all Macros from a Windows Office document (Excel, Word, Project, etc) ? ANSWER: Delete the VisualBasic Module from the document....
FAQ: How do I burn a CD from linux? ANSWER: Graphically: After inserting a blank CD R, a "burn:///" window should open up. Drag and Drop files into this window,...
FAQ: How can I change the screen resolution of my Linux machine? ANSWER: There are two ways to edit your screen settings from the main menu bar. 1. Applicatio...
FAQ: How do I use a flash drive with Windows XP? When I plug it in it asks for Administrative Privileges to install. ANSWER: Just click cancel. The drive will ap...
FAQ: I am trying to run Emacs remotely after 'ssh X' to a remote system. Emacs looks okay and I can maneuver and type normally however when I try to select a ...
FAQ: How can I tell what version of Linux I am using, and how do I make sure my machine stays up to date? ANSWER: To find out exactly what version of Linux a LEP...
FAQ: How do I burn a DVD from linux? ANSWER: 1. use mkisofs to create an image. For example, the following will create a "/tmp/image.iso" which contains the c...
FAQ: Is there any way to transer data to and from my home institution without incurring large network usage fees? Answer: Several groups have been shipping ext...
Topic revision: r8 - 23 Oct 2014, admin-dab66
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