Exchange email move: Steps you need to do by March 1st.
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 2010 17:41:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Selden E Ball Jr
Subject: Exchange email move: Steps you need to do by March 1st.
To: seb+exchange
Gentle folk,
Thia message is being sent to everyone listed in the CLASSE email
address database.
If you do not want to receive any further notices, please reply to
this message, letting us know if
1. You will not be in town March 8th, 9th or 10th
2. Your mail already has been migrated to Cornell's new Exchange mail server,
3. You are in another department (e.g. CHESS, Astronomy, etc)
and your mail has been or will be migrated along with that of the other
members of that department.
Otherwise, your mail will be migrated from Cornell's old Postoffice
systems to the new Exchange server on one of the nights of
March 8th, 9th or 10th, 2010.
Please set aside some time to complete Part One, Steps 1-4
as described on the Web page
"Preparing for Cornell's Switch to Exchange" at
You have until March 1st to do those steps.
If you need help or have any questions about this procedure,
*please* send email to
We are investigating the possibility of hands-on training workshops
to help you get started with using Outlook. Please let us know
if you would be interested.
As you may know, Cornell's email and calendar system is being switched to
a new Exchange system. This email explains what we in LEPP are doing
to prepare for this change.
We're scheduled to have our email accounts moved to the new Exchange
system the nights of March 8th, 9th and 10th. As the time draws closer,
you'll receive more detailed messages from us about how to prepare.
After our email accounts have been moved to the new Exchange system, we
will be switching to new email applications -- Outlook for Windows and
Apple Mail for Macintosh. (Linux, Mac and Windows users also have
the option of using Outlook Web Access.)
We are planning to do this during the middle of March.
Having everyone in LEPP using the same email applications will help us
provide better technical support at a lower cost. Many of us should also
benefit from the time-saving features in these email applications and the
more-flexible and secure options for delegation. For an overview of these
new applications, see
We are investigating the possibility of hands-on training workshops
to help you get started with using Outlook.
Watch for more messages from us about moving to the new Exchange system.
In the meantime, please let us know if you have questions or concerns by
sending e'mail to [[][]]
Thank you.
Selden Ball,
writing on behalf of
The LEPP Computer Group.
SeldenBall - 2010-02-11