Scientific Linux 5
LEPP is in the process of transitioning from 32-bit Scientific Linux 4 (SL4) to 64-bit Scientific Linux 5 (SL5). Any code built on 32-bit SL4 will run on SL5. However, code built on 64-bit SL5 should be run on 64-bit SL5. For notes on 64-bit computing, please see Lnx64Bit.
Postscript and PDF viewing
On SL5, ghostview (gv) was replaced by
By default, pressing control-space while over a gnome-terminal will open the SCIM (Smart Common Interface Method) dialog. This can intercept keystrokes that are usually meant for emacs, for example. To prevent this behavior:
- press control-space when over a gnome-terminal to open the SCIM dialog
- click on the second icon from the right in the SCIM dialog, and select SCIM Setup
- under "FrontEnd" click on Global Setup
- click on the ... button to the right of "Trigger"
- click on Delete and click on OK
- click on OK until the SCIM window disappears.
Alternatively, SCIM can be disabled entirely by making ~..xinputrc a symlink to /etc/X11/xinit/xinput.d/xim.conf .
With SL5, periodically the following "network authentication" window pops up saying "your credentials have expired" and asking for a password.

This comes from krb5-auth-dialog. From its man page:
The krb5-auth-dialog application will periodically check (every 30 sec-
onds) if the user has Kerberos credentials, and if so, if they will
expire soon (in less than 30 minutes). If it determines that this is
the case, krb5-auth-dialog will attempt to obtain fresh credentials,
prompting the user for whatever information is necessary.
Some people would find this reminder helpful. Since it is an user configurable feature, it can be disabled by starting
gnome-session-properties from a terminal window (or in gnome by selecting
panel-menu=>System=>Preferences=>More Preferences=>Sessions)
- select the Startup Programs tab
- select krb5-auth-dialog to toggle it between enable and disable.