-- ScottHartman - 23 Oct 2024

Determining The Age Of Your Computer

If your computer is more than 6 years old, you may begin to have performance issues, or you may have issues with adding new software. To determine when your computer was built, follow these steps:

1.) Go to https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en The screen should look like this:
Click "Detect Product" to find the serial number of your computer.

2.) Once you've determined the correct computer, click the "View Warranty" button

3.) Scroll down the page until you see the following information:
This is the Date of Manufacture. If it's older than 6 years, you should consult your supervisor about a replacement.

If you have any questions, or problems, feel free to call or e-mail Scott Hartman at 255-3659 or swh77@cornell.edu.
Topic revision: r1 - 23 Oct 2024, swh77
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