Joint CesrTA Kickoff Meeting and
ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop
July 8-11, 2008, Cornell University
On behalf of the ILC Damping Rings Area Group Leaders and the CesrTA Project Team, you are invited to attend the 2008 Joint CesrTA Kickoff Meeting and ILC Damping Rings R&D Workshop at Cornell University. The workshop will be hosted by Cornell University's
Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics and will be held at Cornell's
ILR Conference Center.
This meeting is the fourth in a series of workshops on R&D topics relevant to the ILC damping rings. The meeting will focus on two topics important for the ILC damping rings which can be explored with CesrTA:
- Electron Cloud Studies: Simulations, Experiments, Mitigation and Instrumentation
- Conveners: G. Dugan (Cornell), M. Pivi (SLAC), Y. Suetsugu (KEK)
- Low Emittance Tuning: Techniques and Instrumentation
- Conveners: K. Kubo (KEK), D. Rubin (Cornell), A. Wolski (Cockcroft)
- Working Group Charges
In addition, the workshop will provide an opportunity for the damping rings group to complete the re-organization its efforts for the ILC Technical Design Phase.
- June 13: The block of rooms with special rates for the workshop will be held only until June 21st, so please book soon!
- May 5: Registration is now OPEN!
Program Committee:
- J. Corlett (LBNL)
- G. Dugan (Cornell)
- K. Ohmi (KEK)
- M. Palmer (Cornell)
- M. Pivi (SLAC)
- D. Rubin (Cornell)
- Y. Suetsugu (KEK)
- J. Urakawa (KEK)
- N. Walker (DESY)
- A. Wolski (Cockroft)
Local Organizing Committee:
- D. Bougie
- M. Palmer
- M. Roman
- M. Wesley
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Topic revision:
03 Jul 2008, MarkPalmer

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