Enter or change your list of collaborators
- navigate to your project page.
- Select Âcollaborators (or "Collaborating dindivuduals") on the ÂCollaborating Institution line. This will link you to your collaborators page. Your name should already be on this page.
- Select Âedit on the lower grey bar. This will open the collaborator page in the editing environment.
- Add headings for the separate institutions (and country)
- An example of the format follows. (Do not include the quotes.)
"*University of Oregon, USA*"
( Note: There is no space before the first asterisk, no space after the first asterisk.)
( There is no space before the second asterisk. )
( Furthermore, I had "asterisk" misspelled for 6 months and nobody complained. )
- Add the names of your collaborators, following the established format.
- By "collaborator", we intend to mean the list of people participating in a project that would be included on an author list of a publication or presentation of the results of that project.
- An example of the format follows. (Do not include the quotes.)
" * Raymond Frey [[mailto:rayfrey@cosmic.uoregon.edu mail]]"
( Note: There are 3 spaces before the asterisk. )
( There is one space between the asterisk and the beginning of the text.)
- Do not modify the ALLOWTOPICCHANGE lines (3 lines, starting with "<", ending with ">")
- When you have completed entering the names of your collaborators, click Âsave on the lower grey bar.
You should now be on the collaborators page Click Âback on your brower until you get back to your project page.
This topic: ILC/WWS
> WebHome >
Instructions > AddCollaborators
Topic revision:
29 Dec 2005, DanPeterson
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