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Revision r42 - 11 Jan 2006 - 10:59:05 - DanPeterson
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Project Links: Calorimetry (ECAL, HCAL, forward)
Individual Projects
- Annecy le Vieux (LAPP), University of Oregon, SLAC
- (incomplete) Conceptual Design for a Si/W Elecromagnetic calorimeter
- Argonne National Laboratory, Boston University, University of Chicago, Fermilab, IHEP Protvino, University of Iowa (affiliated with CALICE)
- Digital Hadron Calorimeter with RPCs
- Birmingham U., Cambridge U., LPC-Clermont, LPSC-Grenoble, Kangnung NU., London Imp. Coll., London Univ. Coll., London RHUL, Manchester U., Orsay LAL, Palaiseau LLR, Palaiseau PICM, IP-Prague, Moscow State U., Rutherford RAL, Seoul EWHA U., Seoul Yonsei U., Suwon Sungkyunkwan U. (affiliated with CALICE)
- (incomplete) Highly segmented electromagnetic calorimeter
- University of Colorado at Boulder
- (incomplete) Offset Tile Calorimetry R&D
- DESY-Zeuthen
- (incomplete) R&D for the TESLA-Detector: Instrumentation of the very forward region
- Fermilab
- (incomplete) Optimization of the ILC calorimeter for jet-jet mass resolution
- The University of Iowa
- (incomplete) Establishing a Particle Flow Algorithm with the SiD Calorimeter for the ILC
- University of Kansas
- Investigation of ECAL Concepts Designed for Particle Flow
- KEK, Kobe, Konan, Niigata, Shinshu, Tsukuba, Kyungpook, Seoul, Sunkyunkwan, Mindano, JINR
- (incomplete) GLD-CAL
- Northern Illinois U., DESY, JINR Dubna, Fermilab, Hamburg U., Imperial Coll. London, McGill U., ITEP Moscow, MEPHI Moscow, LPI Moscow, Obninsk State U., LAL Orsay, INFN Pavia, IPASCR Prague, U. Regina (affiliated with CALICE)
- Scintillator-based Hadron Calorimetry
- Northern Illinois University, SLAC, Argonne National Laboratory
- (incomplete) Particle-Flow Algorithms and Related Simulation Software
- University of Oregon, SLAC, BNL, UC Davis
- Development of a silicon-tungsten test module for an electromagnetic calorimeter
- U. Texas at Arlington, U.Washington, Tsinghua University, Changwon National U. (affiliated with CALICE)
- (incomplete) Digital Hadron Calorimetry using Gas Electron Multiplier Technology
- Texas Tech Univ., Univ. of California at San Diego, Iowa State University, INFN Trieste, Univ. of Pavia
- (incomplete) DREAM
Umbrella organization: CALICE, and affiliated projects
- CALICE Collaboration
- (incomplete) CALICE
- Argonne National Laboratory, Boston University, University of Chicago, Fermilab, IHEP Protvino, University of Iowa
- Digital Hadron Calorimeter with RPCs
- Birmingham U., Cambridge U., LPC-Clermont, LPSC-Grenoble, Kangnung NU., London Imp. Coll., London Univ. Coll., London RHUL, Manchester U., Orsay LAL, Palaiseau LLR, Palaiseau PICM, IP-Prague, Moscow State U., Rutherford RAL, Seoul EWHA U., Seoul Yonsei U., Suwon Sungkyunkwan U.
- (incomplete) Highly segmented electromagnetic calorimeter
- Northern Illinois U., DESY, JINR Dubna, Fermilab, Hamburg U., Imperial Coll. London, McGill U., ITEP Moscow, MEPHI Moscow, LPI Moscow, Obninsk State U., LAL Orsay, INFN Pavia, IPASCR Prague, U. Regina
- Scintillator-based Hadron Calorimetry
- U. Texas at Arlington, U.Washington, Tsinghua University, Changwon National U.
- (incomplete) Digital Hadron Calorimetry using Gas Electron Multiplier Technology
Topic CalProjects .
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Revision r42 - 11 Jan 2006 - 10:59:05 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome