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"Name of your Project"

Secure funding for country 1:
year expenses Academic Staff Students Support Staff
  (k US$) (FTE) (FTE) (FTE)

Secure funding for country 2:
year expenses Academic Staff Students Support Staff
  (k US$) (FTE) (FTE) (FTE)

Note: reporting of funds and staff is now separated by country.


This is intended to indicate a calender year. You may use a fiscal year that has more than 50% overlap with the indicated calender year.


This includes all non-personel expenses using funds from all sources: laboratory funds, university funds, department/group base grant, and Linear Collider R&D grants. This includes:
  • hardware newly purchased for this project
  • consumables (chamber gas, clean room supplies, pencils, tape, etc, which are purchased specifically for this project),
  • travel, and
  • work or consulting that is subcontracted to industry.

k US$ The unit for "expenses" is 1000US$. Assistance in converting to US$ can be found here.

FTE (Full-Time-Equivalents) is the unit for reporting staff time devoted to this project. We are counting staff effort, not funds paid to staff. Report effort paid by any source, including unpaid effort.

Academic Staff includes faculty, senior scientists, and post-docs paid by any source.

Students includes graduate students, undergraduate students, and summer program participants, including unpaid students.

Support Staff includes engineers and technicians paid by any source.