Topic InstructionsContacts .
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Revision r17 - 11 Jan 2006 - 11:12:05 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome > Instructions
INSTRUCTIONS for updating EXISTING Project pages
Note: Project Contacts will no longer edit the main project pages. Follow the instructions below.
Instructions for the main project page.
- DELETE THE PROJECT Notify the "register administrator".
- Project name: Notify the "register administrator" of changes.
- System: Notify the "register administrator" of changes.
- Contact: Notify the "register administrator" of changes. Provide an email address for the new contact.
- Institutions Notify the "register administrator" when the institution list has been updated on the "participating individuals" page.
- Institution lists on the Project page and on the System page will only be updated from the list on the "participating individuals" page.
- Detector Concept Affiliations Notify the "register administrator" regarding your concept affiliation: SiD, LDC, or GLD
- Umbrella Organization Affiliations ( At this time, the register is supporting affiliation in CALICE, LC-TPC, or SiLC.) If the project is affiliated with an umbrella organization, state whether the project is also to be listed under "individual projects". Notify the "register administrator" of changes.
- web page Notify the "register administrator", providing the URL of a privately maintained web page related to this research.
- recent presentations and/or publications Send PDF files to the "register administrator" either as an attachment or by providing a simple link.
- The file must be PDF.
- Provide venue and date. Provide session if applicable.
- Links must be easy to navigate.
- The file must not crash the register administrator's computer.
- If it is not related to the project, it will not go in.
- (for publications) Do not send copyrighted material. Copyrighted materials will not be put in. You may have to find a preprint.
- The file must be PDF.
- publicity graphics Send JPG files to the "register administrator" either as an attachment or by providing a simple link. Provide a simple caption.
- The file must be JPG (or jpeg).
- The caption must be provided and must be short.
- Links must be easy to navigate.
- The file must not crash the register administrator's computer.
- If Dan can not tell what is supposed to be in the figure, it will not go in.
Note: include your project name and system in your correspondence to the "register administrator".
Note: Project Contacts are still reponsible for the collaborators list, research statement, and funding chart.
Instructions for the Collaborator List
Instructions for the Research Statement
Instructions for the Funding Chart
Topic InstructionsContacts .
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Revision r17 - 11 Jan 2006 - 11:12:05 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome > Instructions