Topic LepProjects .
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Revision r21 - 29 Dec 2005 - 11:47:39 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome
Project Links:
Luminosity, Energy, and Polarization
- (incomplete) Integrated Luminosity Performance Studies
- Fermilab, SLAC, University of Washington
- (incomplete) Integrated Design of the Central Beam Pipe and Support of Vertex Detector Elements
- University of Iowa, Iowa State University, Fairfield University, Karlsruhe-Germany, Trieste-Italy, Turkish Universities
- (incomplete) Polarimetry at LC (Compton Polarimeter (at IPBI)
- University of Iowa, Fairfield University, Turkish Universities
- (incomplete) Luminosity monitor (at IPBI)
- Iowa State University, Texas Tech University, SLAC, Purdue University, NITP
- (incomplete) Fast, Radiation Hard Gas Cerenkov Beam and Luminosity Monitor
- University of Notre Dame, LBNL, Univ. California at Berkeley, SLAC, University College London, Cambridge University
- (incomplete) A Demonstration of the Electronic and Mechanical Stability of a BPM-Based Energy Spectrometer for the ILC
- University of Oregon, SLAC, FNAL
- Extraction Line Energy Spectrometer
- SLAC, DESY, Orsay, Tufts U. U. of Oregon
- Polarimetry Design at ILC
- Wayne State University
- (incomplete) Visible and microwave beamstrahlung at the ILC
Topic LepProjects .
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Revision r21 - 29 Dec 2005 - 11:47:39 - DanPeterson
Parents: WebHome