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Project: Calorimetry-assisted tracking and reconstruction of long-lived particles

Contact: Eckhard von Toerne (Kansas State University, USA) mail

System: Tracking

Assisting Panel Member: Harry Weerts

Participating Institutions: - (participating individuals)
  • Kansas State University
  • Bonn University

Detector Concept Affiliation: SiD

web page:

recent presentations/publications:
  • von Toerne presentation at Stanford, 18-March-2005: (pdf)

publicity graphics
event-with-backscatter.jpg k0sCandinHadronicEvent.jpg ks-12.jpg exotic-longlived.jpg
Multihadronic event with a calorimeter backscatter (~4 o'clock position). The backscatter has been identified with the Garfield tracking algorithm Example of a reconstructed K0s decay K0s mass peak in a sample of Z0 pole events Reconstruction of long-lived exotic particle decays

Research Statement
