How to Use this Handbook
This Handbook not only has internal links for cross-referencing terms and concepts (including links to entries in the
Glossary), but also has
hidden content (absent in most printed versions of this document) that can be expanded by clicking on the appropriate
link (collapse)
this hidden content does not appear in the printed version unless expanded . Likewise, such content can also be collapsed. The Handbook is organized so that each chapter, by default, has the most crucial overview information viewable and more detailed information collapsed. This collapsed content will not show up in a printed version, nor will the indication that there even
is any collapsed content (except for extra spacing).
May 2012 marked first release of a CLASSE Safety Handbook (predecessors include several versions of a printed LEPP Safety Handbook and a CHESS Safety website).
The CLASSE Safety Handbook is maintained by the CLASSE Safety Director. Please report any error in content or web-functionality so it can be rapidly corrected. Suggestions for changes or additions to both content and web-functionality are also welcome.
If you are reading this as a printed document, it could be out of date, so check the vintage printed at the top right of every page and compare it to the dates at the top right of the top menu bar for the web Handbook. Clicking on those dates in the menu bar, one each for the public and private chapters, will bring you to lists of the most recent changes. If you are reading this as a printed document less than 60 pages, it is an abridged version, so please be sure to consult the full version for additional detailed information.
Links to sites outside CLASSE are provided for reference only. CLASSE and Cornell University can take no responsibility for content of external websites.